Today is for the parents out there daunted with the task of entertaining their kids and all of their friends at the oh so fun classroom Halloween parties. As we are all busy people, sometimes we simply don't have time to get everything together for the big party. Luckily, most class parties have several parents that are able to help, lightening your load some.
I'm keeping today's post on the short side today because, well, I have had an extremely busy week. We finally were able to get moved into our new house and so we were moving both home and business all at the same time. For all parents that have done this with small children, you know this is no small feat to keep them entertained and out from under foot, fed and to bed on time during the process.
So in keeping it short and to the point, I am giving you access to our Pinterest board that is all about kid's Halloween party games. Take a peek, get some ideas and get to planning that Halloween party!